Scheme Implementations


Bigloo Fast Scheme-to-C and Scheme-to-JVM compiler R5
Chez Scheme Cross-module optimizing native-code compiler R6
Chibi-Scheme Small embeddable interpreter with many optional libraries R7
CHICKEN Scheme-to-C compiler with a big, friendly community R5 R7
Cyclone New Scheme-to-C compiler with native threads R7
Gambit Fast, concurrent, retargetable optimizing compiler R5 R7
Gauche Fast script interpreter with many built-in libraries R5 R7
Gerbil Scheme with actors and objects built on Gambit R5 R7
Guile Main Scheme implementation of the GNU project R6 R7
JazzScheme Object-oriented GUI and IDE built on Gambit R5
Kawa JVM compiler with many extensions to Scheme R7
Loko Bare-metal native-code compiler R6 R7
MIT/GNU Scheme Native-code compiler and development environment R5 R7
Mosh Fast and complete R6RS interpreter R6 R7
Racket Native code compiler R5 R6 R7
s7 Embeddable interpreter for music applications R7
Sagittarius Script interpreter with many built-in libraries R6 R7
SCM Portable C implementation that begat Guile and SLIB R5
SKINT Cheap and fast R7RS Scheme Interpreter R7
STklos Interpreter with CLOS object-oriented GUI R7
TR7 Embeddable R7RS interpreter R7
Ypsilon Incremental native-code compiler with concurrent GC R6 R7